List Sample report for residual strength test

페이지 정보

Writer DSR
comment 0case View 3,728time Date 21-05-11 11:14


5.2. DSR Comment - The rope has been used over four years for spring line and it has not been turned over yet. The result of visual inspection and residual strength test are very good. There is no significant external and internal damage and the residual strength test result is 94.5 % of its Minimum Breaking Load. Based on this test result, the rope can be further used without turn over. - It is suggested that using one and half year more and making end-to-end all mooring lines then using another 6 years. Then the total mooring lines’ service life for STENAWECO CATERINA CORRADO will be twelve years after delivery. - It is recommended to use mooring lines up to 22 % and not exceed to 50% of its Minimum Breaking Load.

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Service Life Determination List
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Current List DSR
