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2012 부산국제산업용섬유소재전시회 DSM과 함께 공동 참가

페이지 정보

작성자 DSR
댓글 0건 조회 6,791회 작성일 21-05-07 12:11



DSR은 2012 10월 25~27일 부산 벡스코에서 열린 <부산국제산업용섬유소재전시회>에 DSM사와 함께 공동으로 참가하였습니다.

사진은 DSM 으로 만든 DSR의 SuperMAX PLUS Rope.  


[BITE on-site 2012] DSM Dyneema to show 'Dyneema®' made of high density polyethylene thread

[ Clare Jang 2012-10-27 ]




DSM Dyneema (www.dyneema.com) participated in 'Busan International Techtextile & Material Trade show 2012 (hereafter BITE 2012)' and introduced 'Dyneema®' made of high density polyethylene thread and some 'Dyneema®' applied products.

(Photo: mooring rope applying Dyneema® Max Technology)

'Dyneema®' is a super fiber featuring high durability over 15 times compared to same weight. When compared to aramid fiber, it's more powerful more than 40%.

In addition, 'Dyneema®' floats on water and it has high resistibility from varied chemicals/moisture/ UV rays  including  hydrochloric acid.

In case of Dyneema® Max Technology based on DM20 thread, it can be used to make a mooring rope used in ocean depths. This technology was successfully introduced at 'Oceans 2012 ' conference held in Yeosu, Korea, in May.

Meanwhile, 'Busan International Textile & Fashion Show 2012 (BITFAS 2012)' has a plan to create dynamic business opportunities through advanced meeting between participating companies and invited buyers, under the theme of 'Real Connection'. At 'BITFAS 2012', visitors can meet various textiles from daily clothes and outdoor to accessories and runs varied events such as fashion show, seminar concerning fashion trend and experiencing events and others.

Go to 'BITFAS 2012' Special Page