List DSR MEG4 Specification

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Writer DSR
comment 0case View 4,025time Date 21-05-11 10:47


1. Ship Design MBL (SD MBL)

- The minimum breaking load of new, dry mooring lines for which a ship’s mooring system is designed, to meet

OCIMF standard environmental criteria restraint requirements.

MBLSD = Mooring Restraint Requirement / Number of Mooring Line

2. Line Design Break Force (LDBF)

- LDBF is the minimum force that a new, dry, spliced mooring line will break at when tested according to appendix B.

This value is declared by the manufacturer on each line’s mooring line certificate (see appendix B) and is stated on a

manufacturer’s line data sheet. As outlined in appendix B, when selecting lines, the LDBF of a line shall be 100%-

105% of the ship design MBL.

- The LDBF for nylon mooring lines should be specified as break tested wet because nylon lines change strength

characteristics once exposed to water and generally do not fully dry to their original construction state.

3. Tail Design Break Force (TDBF)

- TDBF of tails should be 125%-130% of ship design MBL. TDBF is tested and defined in the

wet condition (see testing guidance outlined in appendix B) and accounts for any material strength loss when wet.

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DSR MEG4 Specification List
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